Instagram Shopping is a set of features that allow people to easily shop your brand’s photos and videos all across Instagram.

Your shop is a place to sell and share your brand story, where people can browse products and explore collections. Collections let you customize your shop by curating products into themes, like new arrivals, gifts, seasonal trends, and more.

PDPs provide all relevant info on items from your product catalog, like pricing and descriptions. They also pull in content where the product is tagged on Instagram and drive people to your website to complete a transaction.
Instead of sending people from PDPs to your website, checkout on Instagram lets people make purchases directly in-app. Checkout is currently available to eligible U.S. business and creator accounts.

Product Tags

You can tag Instagram Shop products in your posts in the same way you would tag a friend.
Product Tags let you highlight items from your catalog directly in your images and videos, so people can easily tap and learn more.

You can tag up to five items per image or twenty items per carousel. 

Increase the reach of your shopping posts by using Ads with product tags. You can set them up in Ads Manager or boost existing shoppable posts within Instagram.


  • Review Commerce Eligibility Requirements to ensure you sell eligible products and comply with Instagram policies, like commerce policies, terms of use, community guidelines and more.
  • Make sure your business has its own website domain. Your shop must contain product listings that are available for direct purchase from your business’s website, and you must represent the store or website associated with the domain provided.
  • Check to see if you are in a supported market.
  • Confirm that your Instagram profile is a business or creator account. Then, connect it to your Facebook page.
  • If you don’t have one already, set up a Business Manager account. You’ll need a Business Manager account to set up your shop in Commerce Manager. Business Manager lets you manage your ad accounts, your pages and the people who might be working on them.

You can choose to onboard onto Instagram Shopping by setting up your shop in Commerce Manager or a supported platform. Or, you can get started directly within the Instagram app.

How to fill your shop details in Commerce Manager

  • First, choose how you want your customers to complete their purchase by selecting a checkout method.
  • Next, choose your sales channels by selecting whether to have your shop on Instagram, Facebook, or both.
  • Add products to your shop by connecting your existing product catalog or by creating a new one.
  • Finally, review your shop, then submit it to Instagram for review!
Categories: BlogInstagram


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